Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Angels of Promise, Angels of Judgment Part I

We are living in a strategic hour, when God is visiting His people and releasing supernatural inheritance on behalf of the saints. This is an era when revelation is becoming widespread among the church, but this is due to more than the fact that it is 2007. The strategic nature of the hour rests not on the natural calendar of time and history. Rather, our breakthrough stems from a positional, spiritual timeframe – that is, it’s a dimension called right now!

For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6)

Right now, the heavens are opened over your life, because you have entered the realm of eternity in Christ and all things are made new. There is a place in the Spirit where even time and space bend, to allow access to the blood-bought children of God. Many are experiencing the fulfillment and manifestation of prophetic words and promises today, that have seemed locked away for ages. Angels of promise have been commissioned in this day, to pull timeless, positional authority from eternity into the present.

This is a time, both on the natural calendar, and in the now accessible realm of the Spirit, where words spoken over you, your family, your church and your region are coming to pass. You may have asked God, “When are we going to see those things which were promised by the prophets? When will this destiny word you gave me come to pass?” It is important to remember and ponder those prophetic words, promises and dreams the Lord has given you, which seem to have been blocked. The time is now, for breakthrough and change. One of the things being released to bring it all to pass is the supernatural intervention of angels!

Angels of Judgment Releasing Destiny

There are angels that release judgment to move you into your destiny, just as there is an appointed time in the Spirit where God says, “Enough is enough!” Remember that the judgments of the Lord are good! They benefit the saints and strike down the enemies of the church. These are warrior angels, angels of promise, which deliver the goods and clear a path for the fulfillment of God’s plans for your life.

Sometimes we grow weary in holding onto promises, because we do not understand the dynamics of angelic fulfillment. Remember that whenever God does a thing, he usually sends angels to do His bidding. And there are principles of breakthrough involved, which sometimes require us to wait for a season in the natural. It took the archangel Michael a time to break through, even though God had responded immediately to Daniel’s prayer. God heard Daniel’s prayer the first day he prayed. The answer was released in Heaven, but it took 21 days to get it to earth (Daniel 10:11-14).

Daniel had his answer in God’s eternal timeframe, but he still had to wait for a season for it to manifest. In the meantime, his prayer served as a midwife to pull Michael through the battle.

Whether or not a waiting season is involved, we should understand how angels are engaged in the delivery of answered prayers and prophetic decrees. Remember how the angel freed Peter from jail after the prayers of the saints? (Acts 12:5-13) Angels minister the breakthrough of God. As we partner with God with our prayers, this enables them to penetrate the second heavens more effectively.

Pressing in to Activate the Angelic

In Heaven, there are angels positioned to add the incense of our prayers with fire from the altar in the golden censer, which is then hurled to the earth, blowing open holes in the heavens (Revelation 8:3-5). Your prayers are like Holy Ghost gunpowder, to amplify the effectiveness of this angelic firepower. The more we contend on our knees, the greater breakthrough we will see smashing in from Heaven to earth.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16).

As we pray, we can’t pump anything up and make it happen. Your efforts are not necessary! But we can align with what has already been accomplished in the timeless realm of eternity. As we are pressing in for breakthrough and prophetic promises at this time, it is important to remember that we are not just praying to a ceiling. We are simply agreeing with what has already been positionally accomplished on the cross, and lining up the earth with the Heavenly answer. These prayers have already been released in the right now of that realm. We are not climbing a ladder in vain – in the Glory realm, our prayers are always effective! And we do not just fill these golden censers forever! There are angels constantly helping us, to tip them over and catapult them down, dropping fulfillment to words and answers to prayers like an air squad bombing the enemy’s coordinates! Our prayers release an initial conception in the Spirit, but we must continue to pray the answers through until birthing comes in the natural.

There is a true wind from Heaven on intercession in this season. For those who do not abandon the prayer closet, the spoils of harvest are yours. For those who are satisfied, they will find even the portion they have begin to dwindle.

Angels of Future Destiny

One of the things that diffuses our prayer is a sense of despair. We tend to think Heaven is sluggish and lazy with the answers to prayers, because up there, everyone is lounging around and no one is in a hurry. But this is not so. Angels are not just casually playing their harps on a cloud, ignoring your pleas to God. Did you know that these angels are already working ahead of you? It is you and I, rather than Heaven, who need to get on board with the promises of God. As eager as we are to move into the promises and inheritance, we rarely move our feet to start activating them!

When Jacob buckled down and decided to face his fears, confronting Esau and physically moving into the Promise Land, he was in for a complete surprise! For one, Esau was not angry with him. And furthermore, there were angels already there ahead of Jacob, waiting for him to align with his own destiny!

As Jacob was on his way into the Promise Land, the angels that were already assigned to Jacob met with those angels stationed in the land who were assigned to his prophetic future. This was the Mahanaim, “God’s army,” which were the two dancing armies of angels (Gen. 32:1-2, Song 6:13). This dance between the two armies of angels is a sign of fulfillment of prophetic promises. God has ranks of heavenly hosts already assigned to your future, as well as angels that are walking with you in the present. These angels are pressing in against the adversary on both sides of time until you get breakthrough. When the two armies penetrate the obstacle that is holding you back from destiny, there is great rejoicing.

Your angels are excited about meeting up with those angels waiting on you in your future destiny. Remember this: those angels of destiny are already yours! It is time to pack up camp and begin to move toward the promises. Help your angels out a bit!



Dear John, I am so affected by this word, I am saying EEK!!!
A few weeks ago I had an experience at our church in Cambridge, Vermont. Our church is the 2nd oldest in the Northern half of Vermont. Cambridge United, we are a non denominational church.
During worship, I had gotten to church late, as I passed my pastor's wife ( we are very tiny handful of people) All of a sudden we smelled smoke and then I had a vision of an Incense Censer with 3 gold chains a HUGE one coming down and there were billows of white smoke, so I said, " lets all pray" and we did and everyone started to smell fragrances. It was so holy a few of us gathered in our " spot" where we believe we have an open heaven and Just happened to be THE spot that the censer came. I then saw a MARBLE white, brilliant shiny leg, and gold sandle shoe, and the gold was like woven satin and had 3 straps with the toes covered. All of a sudden Deb shouted, " Song of Solomon chapter 5! " And it was the verse about the Beloved having legs of marble in setting of gold. IT was so HOLY I could not move. Then I wanted to kneel because you could sense it was SO Holy, but before I could DO the action, God had me fall FLAT On my face!! The amazing part, ( as if this was not amazing enough!!!) was that I fight trigeminal neuralgia in my face, and I WAS NOT HURT! The TN Is so bad that it had been unresponsive.. and I am on a great deal of Morphine and heading into an out of state hospital soon. I Believe what you wrote came TRUE Already in our church!!!
I also wanted to tell you that I so much want to meet you!! I have these moments right before sleep or right after sleep where I go "somewhere" !! I do not know where I am going... but i am THERE and I do things that Fill me with JOY. I awake in DEEP PEACE. Just this am..today, I went to a bright place and did some art in a very unconventional way.. I was sitting like a little kid ( i am 52 and like a kid inside!) but sitting on a drive way with my legs folded. There was brilliant LIGHT all round me,( NO shadows) and I was doing this art with circles that you could feel like embossed. I was somehow applying color ( yellow on yellow but in barely different hues)I could not see anything that would apply the color but there it was!! When i wanted to "cut " them out I just would touch it and it would come out in that exact form and i would apply it another book. NO scissors, NO glue.. and I heard a radio like voice say " I need some help in Florida to start a cd/tape ministry" but I felt that I should STAY PUT. ( God is teaching me boundaries and REST). The other day I was in Australia, I do not know what is happening but I think I am going somewhere... I have no on to talk to about this so hope that you forgive this long note. I am also praying for healing and a breakthrough from poverty due to this long illness of 22 years. TN is called "the worst pain known to mankind" by Medicine and Yet I know the Lord has used it to hone me and to help me share the Lord's sufferings but I know i will be healed because I have been prophecied that I have heaing in my hand. Sometimes we get GOLD and iridescent Glory in our home and on my hands and my daughter's hands, sometimes light comes out of our pores, visit my website to see the video of my daughter's hands with the Glory on it,http://www.ourchurch.com/member/h/HPA/ , and I am on www.youtube.com/halalsilks look for the video that says "manifestation of God's Glory".
Forgive the long post but I just found you John, and I am so excited, I pray God will HEDGE You with GLORY LIGHT and HIS BLOOD to keep you and your family in joyful safety.We would love to see you in NO Central VT!! I live in JERICHO!! Funny huh!?
I BLESS YOU for publishing your words from the Lord to help hidden people like me,
Grace in Jericho, VT

3:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you posted this at 1:21am.wow I loce Gods timeing.that opend my eyes to a lot of stuff.Its good to think that God hears my prayer as soon as i say it.then angels fight to break through the spirit relm and answer my prayers.so I guess i should pray for the angels in their fight for me.anyways prayer is key and anyone who stops praying looses all power.

9:35 AM  

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